Accountable Healthcare - COVID-19 Resources
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April 17, 2020

COVID-19 Resources

ARDS, COVID-19 and Pronation Therapy

ICU patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19 often receive pronation therapy. The goal is to match ventilation and perfusion by decreasing pressure on the lungs from the abdominal contents, the heart and supporting structures, and the added weight of the edematous lungs. View these resources to help understand the benefits of the procedure, and watch a video on how pronation therapy can be done safely.

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Moral Distress During COVID-19 Crisis

Nurses and other healthcare professionals are facing unprecedented challenges, including shortages of lifesaving equipment and professional duty colliding with safety concerns. As a result, many are experiencing moral distress: knowing the right thing to do but facing constraints that make it nearly impossible. To help you manage moral distress, access an overview of causes, symptoms and solutions. Also read AACN’s position statement “Moral Distress in Times of Crisis.”

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COVID-19: How Nurse Managers Can Mitigate Nurse PTSD

Nurse managers understand that their support can positively influence staff. This blog offers them tips to help mitigate stress, including acknowledging that all nurses are sharing this experience together; helping staff to be aware of stress; encouraging ways for nurses to support other staff and asking for creative ideas.

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Free COVID-19 Resources in AACN Procedure Manual

Sections of “AACN Procedure Manual for High Acuity, Progressive and Critical Care” that pertain to treating patients with COVID-19 are now available for all nurses at no charge. These include evidence-based references for procedures performed in critical care settings.

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Risks and Benefits of Multi-Patient Use of Ventilators

AACN board member John Gallagher, trauma program manager and a clinical nurse specialist at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, discusses the risks of ventilating more than one patient with a single ventilator, and why this practice is appropriate only in certain settings under dire circumstances.

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Consider Volunteering During a Disaster

Opportunities to volunteer help others and ourselves. Read about the benefits of volunteering and learn about opportunities through travel agencies and state websites. Changes in many state regulations allow nurses licensed in one state to be quickly approved to practice in another.

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Advocacy Updates

The voices of critical care nurses are vital to the national dialogue if we are to respond effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic. AACN advocates on behalf of our community of exceptional nurses using our own voice and through coalitions with other organizations.

How Do We Staff During This Pandemic?

Staffing can be difficult even under normal circumstances. This AACN blog offers a few ideas and resources to help address staffing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Our Fight for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The lack of PPE endangers nurses and other healthcare professionals caring for patients with known or suspected COVID-19. At AACN, we know that our obligation to provide care to patients is tied to an equal obligation on the part of institutions, government and public health leaders to prioritize our safety. Therefore, we have been advocating for action to address the PPE shortage.

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AACN is here to support our community of exceptional nurses as you respond on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve identified a number of AACN resources most likely to benefit you in addressing different aspects of the disease. For more AACN resources and updates, please visit the AACN COVID-19 resource page.

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